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Capstone: Project Reflection

Bristen Broy

The skills, theories, experiences, and connections that I have gained throughout my time here at Old Dominion University have greatly prepared me for my goals after graduation. My experience in the Department of Communication Arts has immensely improved my critical thinking, communication, media production, and literacy skills to a point that I feel very confident about entering the job market upon graduation. In addition to this, my time as a media studies student has greatly enhanced my understanding of the digitally-driven world that we live in. Throughout most areas of society, we are constantly bombarded with media messages, and this degree of study has taught me to carefully consider those messages, as they can have real-life implications and can become the root cause of many stigmas prevalent throughout our society. Overall, I feel that my experience throughout this program has set me up for success in any and all future endeavors.


The preparation of my capstone project has contributed greatly to my personal and professional growth. As an avid comic book fan and movie buff, this project gave me the opportunity to take the theories and research that I have learned about through my coursework and apply them to something that I am extremely passionate about. In addition to this, completing this project urged me to think deeper and more critically about this topic and to consider the implications that it could have on society, especially women. I plan to apply the insights that I have gained from this project to my future career by considering and analyzing the industry practices and messages around me. Just because something is “normalized” does not mean that it is fair or equal, and there is always change that can be made towards a more equal and positive society.


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